New Guidance for Employers on the UNGA Resolution on the Human Right to a Clean, Healthy and Sustainable Environment

Read now this IOE-KAS joint publication providing legal and practical considerations for employers on the recent UNGA Resolution.

On 28 July 2022, the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) adopted Resolution 76/300, recognising “the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment as a human right”.

The UNGA Resolution calls on non-state actors, international organisations, business enterprises and other relevant stakeholders “to adopt policies, to enhance international cooperation, strengthen capacity-building and continue to share good practices in order to scale up efforts to ensure a clean, healthy and sustainable environment for all.

What does that mean concretely for employers and companies both on legal and practical terms? What is the effect, legal or otherwise, of this UNGA Resolution? Does an international right to a healthy environment exist under international law and can this new so-called right be considered as an “internationally recognized human right” as per the UNGPs? What are States’ obligations with respect to the right to a healthy environment?

This joint publication, from the International Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), attempts to answer these questions by taking a closer look at the legal context surrounding this Resolution in the wider framework of international human rights law and the UNGPs and provides considerations for employers on this non-binding Resolution. The publication also elaborates on some key considerations on the way forward for both EBMOs and businesses.

You will find the guidance in the “Resources” section. Please do not hesitate to contact Jason Pegat-Toquet (pegat-toquet(at) or Altea Rossi (rossi(at) should you have any questions.

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Geneva, Switzerland

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