B20-L20 Joint 2024 Statement to the G20

Business 20 and Labour 20 publish today their annual joint statement to Employment and Labour Ministers attending the G20 Ministerial in Fortaleza, Brazil.

The B20 and L20 stress the vital role of employers and workers in the multilateral system to advance global and sustainable solutions to geopolitical conflicts and crises. They also underscore the importance of social dialogue and tripartite cooperation for building resilience, promoting peace and stability, and achieving social justice, democracy and universal peace. The G20 is thus urged to increase investments to drive sustainable growth and decent job creation.

Key points in the joint Statement also include:

- Social dialogue: As a crucial tool for building resilience, promoting peace and stability, and achieving social justice, democracy and universal peace.

- Inclusive and sustainable economic growth and decent work: Through increased investments and sound wage policies and macroeconomic policies to address poverty and inequalities.

-Sustainable growth: Through creating an enabling environment for sustainable enterprises, especially MSMEs, and strengthening institutions and fighting corruption.

- Just Transition to respond to environmental transformations: Through social dialogue, labour market policies, skills development, social protection, and innovation to ensure a just transition that is fair and beneficial for all.

- Digital transformationAcknowledging the potential of digital technologies to enhance productivity, inclusion and social justice. It calls for expanding affordable ICT infrastructure, providing access to finance and incentives for MSMEs to adopt digital technologies.

- Skills agenda: Stressing the need for robust educational reforms, promoting digital literacy and gender equality.

- Environmental response: Calling for a just transition through proactive labour market policies, upskilling, and reskilling, with investments in STEM education and green jobs.

The B20 and L20 are committed to supporting the G20 to advance concrete and sustainable solutions to global challenges and to jointly build a just world and a sustainable planet.

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