Call for comments on Business Priorities for the Road to Recovery paper

Deadline for sending your feedback is 14 January 2021.

As 2020 ends, the economic, social and health disruption continues to cause unprecedented hardship. Despite the bleak short term view, reflection on how to recover needs to take place as vaccines slowly help to get this pandemic under control. What lessons has this crisis taught us that we can integrate into the path to recovery? What are the key policy areas which have featured prominently in global debates for a fast recovery and to better adapt to the post-Covid era?

IOE, together with WEC (World Employment Confederation), have drafted a paper on business priorities for the road to recovery; reflecting on those areas that in our view will be at the center of the policy debates in the months to come. Our aim is to stress on the business perspectives and policy actions that should be considered for the new normal. Accordingly, IOE is seeking comments/inputs to the draft paper “Business Priorities for the Road to Recovery”, to be published in January 2021.

We would like to request that you and your federation review the text and send us your feedback by 14 January2021 at morales(at)

If you have any questions about the document or the consultation process, please contact Matthias Thorns, Deputy Secretary-General : thorns(at); and/or Luis Rodrigo Morales, Senior Adviser: morales(at)

Yours sincerely,

Roberto Suárez Santos

IOE address

71 Avenue Louis-Casaï
1216 Cointrin
Geneva, Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
