Les Fédérations d'employeurs en Afrique sont invitées à nommer des points focaux

L'OIE enjoint ses membres en Afrique à désigner des points focaux pour rejoindre leurs réseaux nationaux des employeurs sur la migration en Afrique avant sa première réunion en octobre 2021 (en anglais).

In an effort to empower business voice in migration debates in/on Africa, IOE would like to invite you to nominate a Focal Point (FP) from your National Employers’ Federation to join the network of National Employers Focal Points on Migration in Africa. The purpose of the establishment of such network is to create a regular channel of communication with you through FPs to provide continuous support on migration-related issues on national priorities, specifically on four aspects of migration policies: 1) mobility of talent, 2) addressing skills shortages, 3) ensuring responsible recruitment, 4) leveraging technologies and innovation in migration governance.

The role of Focal Points:

The National Employers Focal Points on migration for Africa will serve as the bridge between the national representatives of the private sector and global and regional processes, especially in framework of the Africa Regional Review for the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) of late August 2021 and the International Migration Review Forum (IMRF) 2022.

  • FPs will serve as a centralized hub on all matters related to business and migration at the national level.
  • FPs will liaise with national members to identify priorities on migration issues.
  • FPS will participate in IOE’s regional workshops, and other regional and global events including GFMD, IMRF, GCM as and when feasible.
  • FPs will follow up on the implementation of outcomes of regional workshop and events on migration.

IOE’s role:

  • IOE will organize regular online meetings every 2-3 months for updates and feedbacks and bring up pending issues to consideration.
  • Develop and update the capacity building tools for the FPs and the members of their national organisations.
  • Support the FPs by facilitating the drafting of regional employer’s declarations, statements and other advocacy materials. 
  • IOE will offer a peer learning platform for FPs to exchange on a regular basis.

The first online meeting for National Focal Points on Migration for African employers will be in October 2021 (exact date to be confirmed). Please send your nominations by September 15, 2021 to Bouchra Marclay at marclay@ioe-emp.com.

Adresse de l'OIE

71, Avenue Louis-Casaï
1216 Cointrin/Genève - Suisse

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
