Informe sobre las principales contribuciones y conclusiones del seminario web de la OIE-ACT/EMP del 11 de mayo de 2021

Las organizaciones empresariales de la región de Asia Central y del Cáucaso Meridional se reunieron para compartir experiencias y buenas prácticas de funcionamiento durante la crisis de la pandemia de Covid-19 (en inglés).

A webinar, jointly hosted by IOE and ILO ACT/EMP, was held on 11 May for employer and business membership organisations (EBMOs) from the Central Asia & South Caucasus region.

The meeting served:

  • as a peer learning opportunity for EBMOs from the Central Asia & South Caucasus region to share key experiences and best practices of operating during the crisis period;
  • to follow up on the side-event held during the annual meeting of IOE members from Europe and Central Asia in September 2019 with the aim of apprising EBMOs from this region of IOE’s services and activities and encouraging them to become more involved; and
  • for ILO ACT/EMP, which had met virtually with EBMOs from the region in November 2020, to give an overview of their capacity-building support from both Geneva and Moscow, and of the findings of their recent study on how EBMOs have dealt with the coronavirus crisis.

Please download the report (English and Russian) from the Resources section for an overview of the key contributions, takeaways, and next steps.


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1216 Cointrin, Ginebra (Suiza)

T: +41 22 929 00 00
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