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Sad news for the business and human rights community

IOE was sad to learn that the distinguished human rights leader John Ruggie passed away.

IOE NY Update: The UN General Assembly kicks off

The IOE office in New York highlights some upcoming events and opportunities that bring the private sector to the UN table.

New publication on mandatory human rights due diligence and supply chain law

IOE and KAS released today this publication to enhance employers understanding of the latest developments in this area.

Human rights violation in Nicaragua

IOE urges the Government of Nicaragua to immediately release Mr. D. José Adán Aguerri, former President of the Consejo Superior de la Empresa…

Still time to register: IOE Digital Conference on remote work beyond Covid-19

Join us on Wednesday, 8 September from 14:00 - 15:30 CET to explore different aspects of remote work and how it may impact the way we work…

IOE and its members bring the business perspective to ILO standards supervision

IOE global network submitted comments to the ILO Committee of Experts to bring the business perspective to ILO standards supervision.

Still time to submit comments to the Committee of Experts by 1 September 2021

IOE calls on its member to contribute to the annual reporting process of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and…

Global leaders come together at the 2021 HLPF but remain far apart on the way forward

IOE office in New York provides a look at the outcome and major themes of the 2-weeklong global summit.

New policy paper on essential services

This paper explores essential services from an industrial relations point of view, focusing on the right to strike during national emergencies.

B20, Business at OECD, and IOE joint paper on "Trade Finance, a flywheel effect to boost the economic recovery post COVID-19 pandemic"

Following the B20-OECD-Business at OECD annual meeting last Friday 16th July, today the B20, the Business at OECD (BIAC) and the IOE are…

Did we succeed to make the business case on migration?

Report on the Business Advisory Group on Migration and IOE efforts to make the business case for well-regulated labour migration during the It…

Inclusive Partnerships to Achieve the 2030 Agenda

Employers strengthening link with UN Resident Coordinators in Asia Pacific Region

Share your views on the impact of the GCM in Africa

Take part in a high-profile podcast as part of the Continental Review of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular migration (GCM) in…

Nine tech start-up finalists present their pitches at the "It Takes a Community" Campaign. The first prize goes to

Find out who are the winners of the 3rd edition of IOE Migration Challenge.

IOE pleased to be founding member of new Centre for Sports and Human Rights

Launch of the new Centre for Sports and Human Rights took place today on IOE premises.

Register now for IOE Digital Conference on Informality on 15 July 2021

Transitioning from the informal economy to the formal economy: a review of strategies and best practices.

IOE NY Update from the UN: 2021 UN High-level Political Forum

Help bring the voice of business to two major UN forums in July.

Committee of Experts: Contribute to this core reporting to the ILO

IOE calls on its member to contribute to the annual reporting process of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and…

Migration, impacts and causes, a success story with the 1st Social Bridging Platform

Today, the context of migration faces many contradictions. Many companies around the world are dealing with a recruitment crisis. Despite the…

G20 policies and actions in the spotlight

IOE and Deloitte published an in-depth analysis of the actions and policies of the G20 during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Just released: IOE/ILO/KAS report on digitalisation and MSEs

This new report analyses to what extent micro and small enterprises (MSEs) have profited from the digital revolution.

Bringing the employer voice to the G20 Labour Ministerial meeting

Read about the outcomes of the G20 Labour Ministerial meeting where IOE Honorary President Erol Kiresepi delivered keynote remarks.

Postponed: Professor Mthunzi Mdwaba's campaign launch for ILO Director-General delayed but momentum grows

Professor Mdwaba’s campaign is being well received by many countries; launch will take place after African Union meeting of heads of state.

AI Data-Labeling Paving the Way for Economic, Social, and Digital inclusion

Laura Oller, Co-Founder of DignifAI and Henrique Sanchez, DignifAI Project Supervisor for Brazil, describe how their organisation is changing…

Show your support for our campaign to change public narrative on migration

Follow and engage with IOE and Business Advisory Group on Migration on social media as we take the lead on the It Takes A Community global…

Winners of the International Elimination of Child Labour Changemaker Award announced

IOE launched this prestigious Award in 2021 to recognise the exceptional efforts taken by our member organisations to eliminate child labour and…

Register now for the ZFE-IOE Workshop on Sustainability Reporting and Responsible Business Conduct on 7 July 2021

An exclusive workshop for ZFE members to learn about the international ecosystem for responsible business conduct and reporting, and about…

Now available: Report for Asia Regional Workshop

Read our report on the Asia Regional Workshop which took place on May 18-20, 2021.

Nine Migration Challenge Finalists to showcase their solutions during "It Takes a Community" Campaign

IOE and the Swiss-based incubator Seedstars have announced the nine finalists of the IOE Third Migration Challenge Start-up Competition.

Global business community working to eliminate child labour now

To mark the World Day Against Child Labour, IOE calls for more ambition and increased effort among all stakeholders in the global combat to end…

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
