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LatAm Digital Conference: Latin America and the effects of the Coronavirus

Thursday, 2 April 2020, 14:00 (CET) (in Spanish)

IOE-ITUC Digital Summit: What needs to happen next in Covid-19 response?

Thursday, 2 April 2020, 14:00 (CET)

Insights on diverse labor measures implemented by employers in response to Covid-19: what works and what does not

Wednesday, 1 April 2020, 14:00 (CET)

IOE NY Joins UN Debate on Women’s Empowerment

During the most recent session of the Commission on the Status of Women, IOE took part in an interactive debate on women’s economic empowerment.

Recap from IOE digital conferences on COVID-19 pandemic

Through a series of digital conferences held this week, IOE is spearheading efforts to build partnerships and help the private sector mitigate…

IOE President commends the outcome of the G20 Leaders’ Summit on COVID-19

IOE President Erol Kiresepi provides an official reaction to G20 Leaders’ Statement.

IOE Asia Regional Digital Conference: Covid-19 Business Response

Please take note of this new digital conference dedicated to Asia.

Economic advocacy to assure business sustainability and avoid massive job losses: what works, what does not

Wednesday 25 March 2020, 14:00 – 15:30 (Europe CST)

Private sector contributions in health emergencies

Covid-19 continues to spread across the globe. In a rapidly and life-threatening situation, the pandemic is disrupting in an unprecedented…

How to develop effective Human Resource telework policies

Monday 23 March 2020, 14:00 – 15:30 (Europe CST)

Joint Statement on Covid-19

By International Organisation of Employers and International Trade Union Confederation

Upcoming Digital Conferences: Telework and economic advocacy

Join two digital conferences this week on effective teleworking policies and advocacy for business sustainability.

IOE remains fully operational during COVID-19 pandemic

IOE Secretariat is fully operational and continues to provide services as the impact of COVID-19 is felt worldwide.

IOE Webinar: Covid-19 business response

IOE will provide practical support to employer and business organisations on Covid-19 response.

COVID-19 Business Response Platform

This page serves as a dedicated hub for business information on the COVID-19 virus outbreak

2020 ILC - ILO Regular Supervision of ILS

Information now available by region

Closing the inequalities gap to achieve social justice

IOE Special Representative in New York Shea Gopaul recently joined the ILO in New York and the mission of the Kyrgyz Republic in a high-level…

Former IOE Secretary-General Costas Kapartis passes away

IOE, together with our member the Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation, are sad to announce the loss of former Secretary-General…

Four business reasons to promote gender equality and diversity

On International Women's Day, IOE highlights the business case for gender equality and diversity.

Practical guidance for employers and the workplace on COVID-19

Implementing simple and low-cost measures can help prevent the spread of the disease while creating a healthier and more productive workplace.

United Nations Development System Reform

Employers supporting decent work in domestic and global supply chains

The International Labour Organization must adopt a more coherent and strategic approach to domestic and global supply chains, which better…

Reminder: IOE Centenary gets underway

Key information about IOE Centenary activities. Join us in promoting and celebrating our special anniversary!

Call for inputs to IOE Manifesto / Appel à contribuer au Manifeste de l'OIE

Reminder: final two preparatory webinars for ILO Technical Meeting on Achieving Decent Work in Global Supply Chains

Join IOE's webinars for employers on Friday 14th & Wednesday 19th February (both at 2pm CET).

Raising the voice of business to the XII GFMD Summit

The Business Advisory Group on Migration, hosted by IOE, led the business delegation to the Twelfth Global Forum for Migration and Development…

Registration open! IOE’s International Business & Human Rights Conference

Join us on Wednesday 22 April (Bonn, Germany) at our annual business and human rights conference – hosted jointly with BDA & DeutschePost DHL!

REMINDER: Join us for the next International Gender Network webinar on 27 February 2020!

Call for inputs to IOE Manifesto / Appel à contribuer au Manifeste de l’OIE

Call for inputs to IOE Manifesto

IOE address

Chemin du Pommier 42 (Kyoto),
7th Floor,
1218 Le Grand-Saconnex
Geneva - Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
