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Analysis the role of organised civil society in the new EU-OEACP agreement

Organised by the EU

UN Global Compact's Target Gender Equality LIVE event

Organised by the UN Global Compact

Fireside Chat: From Sports to Climate Change - Making Gender Equality a Priority

Organised by the UN Global Compact

SME Action on Forced labour digital conference

Register now for IOE – ILO Global Business Network on Forced Labour event on 11 March.

ILO Committee on Freedom of Association

Organised by the ILO

Join the IOE-SGN Peer Learning Workshop on "ISO 26000: Companies' experiences over the last ten years"

IOE is glad to invite you to the IOE-SGN Peer Learning Workshop that will address companies' experiences with the ISO 26000 standard since its…

ILO's International Women’s Day 2022: Investing in care for all

Organised by the ILO

IOE Policy Working Group on Gender Equality and Diversity Event on "Women Entrepreneurship: Overcoming Barriers and Challenges"

Organised by IOE

FEI Annual Sustainability Conference, 2nd Edition

Organised by the Federation of Egyptian Industries

Open session of the Business Coalition for trade, employment and sustainability

IOE and BIAC follow up on the postponed WTO Ministerial on trade policy to recover and to achieve employment goals and greater resilience, with…

Global Forum for a Human-centred Recovery from the COVID-19 crisis

Organised by the ILO

Hybrid workshop on Migration governance: Preparatory sub-regional meetings for employers and governments in East Africa

Employers and governments of eight countries in East Africa including Egypt will meet in Nairobi, Kenya in preparation for the IMRF 2022.

Sixth Edition of the International Parliamentary Forum on Social Justice

Organised by the Moroccan Parliament

ILO Meeting of Experts to revise the 1992 Code of practice on safety and health in construction

Organised by the ILO

Launch of Bilateral Labour Migration Agreement Guidance

Organised by the UN

Fifth meeting of the Tripartite Working Group on the full, equal and democratic participation in the ILO's tripartite governance

Organised by the ILO

Meeting of authorities of the Inter-American conference of Ministers of Labour (CIMT) on follow-up and planning of the XXI CIMT

Organised by the Organization of American States (OAS)' Inter-American Council for Integral Development (CIDI)

IOE brings the voice of business to the 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum

Watch IOE-led sessions during the 2022 ECOSOC Partnership Forum on 2 February!

LDC5 Conference in Doha, Qatar (POSTPONED)

The State of Qatar, in consultation with the Secretary-General of the Fifth UN Conference on the Least Developed Countries (LDC5), has decided…

ILO virtual public dialogue with the 5 candidates to the post of ILO DG

Dialogue with the candidates for ILO Director-General organised by the ILO.

United Nations Migration Dialogue - IMRF Round Table 1

Organised by the UN

Register now for ILO Just Transition Forum

Energy and jobs to power the future – join IOE at this important event, organized in collaboration with IEA and IRENA, from 13 to 17 December.

Meeting of experts: Tripartite validation of the technical guidelines on general principles of labour inspection

Organised by the ILO

ILO Technical Meeting on the future of work in aquaculture

Organised by the ILO

IOE-KAS Business Dialogue on climate change and human rights

On 13 December 2021, IOE and KAS held a forward-looking discussion covering the latest developments and insights from experts in this important…

Annual meeting between CAS Vice Presidents and the ILO Committee of Experts

Organised by the ILO

Launch of IOE Business Coalition to strengthen dialogue with WTO

High-level launch of the IOE Business Coalition on 1 December 2021.

2021 UN Forum on Business and Human Rights – Discussing the Regional Roadmap for the next decade in Latin America and the Caribbean

Organised by the European Union, OHCHR and CERALC.

Second Part of the 109th Session of the ILO International Labour Conference

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the 109th session of the International Labour Conference originally scheduled from 25 May to 5 June 2020 has been…

IOE-KAS-DCO Virtual Dialogue Series on UN/Private Sector Collaboration Asia-Pacific Knowledge Sharing Workshop: Case Study of Pakistan

Organised by IOE, KAS and the UN Development Coordination Office (DCO)

IOE address

71 Avenue Louis-Casaï
1216 Cointrin
Geneva, Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
