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Employment, Skills and Digitalisation

The business environment in Africa: Innovative approaches to foster the formalisation of enterprises

On 30 March 2022, IOE and KAS hold a joint digital conference focused on economic and professional prospects in Africa and ways to contribute to…

DEVEX event - Accelerating Action: Transformative partnerships in Least Developed Countries

Organised by DEVEX and Microsoft

Open session of the Business Coalition for trade, employment and sustainability

IOE and BIAC follow up on the postponed WTO Ministerial on trade policy to recover and to achieve employment goals and greater resilience, with…

Sixth Edition of the International Parliamentary Forum on Social Justice

Organised by the Moroccan Parliament

Launch of IOE Business Coalition to strengthen dialogue with WTO

High-level launch of the IOE Business Coalition on 1 December 2021.

Joint Dialogue Forum 2021 (JDF 2021)

Organised by TISK

Future of the World: Global Policy Dialogues on Preparing for What’s Next

Organised by UNDESA and UNDP

High-level Digital Conference on Informality

Organised by IOE

Launch of the IOE/ILO/KAS report Small Goes Digital

Organised by IOE, the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) and the ILO

Policy Priorities for the Road to a Sustainable Job Recovery

On 22 April (14:30 – 16:00 CET), IOE and WEC bring together the ILO Director-General and OECD, UNDP & employers organisations representatives to…

Joint EAfA-ILO High-level conference on apprenticeships

Organised by the EU and the ILO

Virtual Tripartite Panel Discussion on the 2021 ILO WESO Report

Organised by the ILO

Digital Wage Payments - Opportunities and Challenges

The International Organisation of Employers, in collaboration with the International Labour Organization and the Better Than Cash Alliance,…

26th Edition of CII Partnership Summit: Digitisation and the Future of Jobs - Learnings from COVID

Organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry in partnership with the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India

9th CII Global Summit on Skill Development 2020: The Future of Work - Creating Globally Competitive Skilled Workforce

Organised by the Confederation of Indian Industry

Future of Work Summit

Supported by the Swiss Confederation and organised by the Graduate Institute Geneva

IOE High Level Roundtable on digital skills for decent jobs for youth in Africa

Join us for a joint digital conference with the UN Global Compact on 3 December at 10:00 – 11:00 (CET) on digital skills for youth in Africa.

The Future of Global Work is now

Organised by SHRM

Digital conference on How employment and decent work can contribute to peace and social cohesion in the time of the Covid-19 crisis

Organised by ILO, in partnership with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the Peacebuilding Support Office from 3:30 to 5:00…

Digitizing Payments: A Critical Path to Inclusion and Resilience?

Organised by MasterCard

New World Model - The future of industry

Organised by World Free Zones Organization

GAN/IOE Virtual Study Visit of Swiss TVET for ITF-NECA Delegation

Organised by IOE, GAN and NECA

Digital event: Skills and Jobs Transformation

Digital conversation with leaders from IOE, ILO, UNESCO, Deloitte, Qatar Government, Global Apprenticeship Network, UNITAR and the Portugese…

ITCILO skills course for tripartite constituents

Organised by ITCILO

IOE Digital Conference on Trade and Employment

GAN Webinar

Organised by the GAN

ILO-UN World Skills Youth Day high-level event

Organised by ILO in New York

Digital conference on economic advocacy for SMEs to tackle the Covid-19 crisis

IOE digital conference on 25 June 14:00 – 15:30 (CET) on SME resilience.

IOE Centenary Global Summit on Skills and Jobs Transformation: postponed until further notice

This event co-funded by the European Union has to be postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic

Women in Management and Business Training: postponed until further notice

Co-funded by the European Union

IOE address

71 Avenue Louis-Casaï
1216 Cointrin
Geneva, Switzerland

T: +41 22 929 00 00
F: +41 22 929 00 01
